District | Tiergarten |
Construction dates | 1983–1985 |
Apartments | 69 |
Listed building | yes |
About the project
Testing five different energy concepts in a long-term experiment
Architects & planning partners
(1A/B) Bernd Faskel, Vladimir Nikolic with Hans Georg Ohlmeier, Iris Berger. (2/2A) Meinhard von Gerkan, Rolf Niedballa with Peter Römer. (3/3A) Hans-Joachim Pysall, Peter Stahrenberg, Joachim Grundei with Thomas Münchhausen. (4/4A) Gerhart Kilpper, Reimund Rutschmann, Frank Schneider, Siegfried Aisenbrey. (5/5A) Manfred Schiedhelm, Karen Axelrad, with Karl Christian Bousquet. Exteriors: Hannelore Kossel Find
Interviews (in German)
"Spaces or sequences of space whose outer walls consist almost entirely of glass are regarded, under present conditions of the technology of use and operation, as means to save energy and improve comfort. Whereas the question of the positive influence of such winter gardens on the energy budget of a building is still a controversial matter in the discussion, it is all but undisputed that winter gardens improve living quality."
Der Bundesminister für Raumordnung, Bauwesen und Städtebau, Institut für Bauforschung e.V. Hannover, Energiesparhäuser Abschlussbericht zum Forschungsauftrag, part 2 (Stuttgart, 1988).
"The goal of the low-energy houses is not to construct experimen-tal housing for low-energy technologies but rather to demonstrate the present state of technology and to test it in practice."
Rainer Nitsche, Ein Rundgang: Bauten, Schauplätze, Veranstaltungen, Internationale Bauausstellung Berlin 1987 (Berlin, 1987).

"The residents responded positively to the structured openness of the common area by using the driveway and the parking places for courtyard parties."
Hannelore Kossel in Josef Paul Kleihues, ed., Die Projekte, Internationale Bauausstellung Berlin 1984 in Die Neubaugebiete: Dokumente, Projekte, part 7 (Stuttgart, 1993).