Logo of the Berlinischen Galerie
Park Platz


Ania Nowak, This Is an Exhibition and I‘m an Exhibitionist, 2019, Foto: © Pat Mic

Ania Nowak, This Is an Exhibition and I‘m an Exhibitionist, 2019, Foto: © Pat Mic

The concept for “Park Platz” combines art with interactive events. A temporary pavilion by architects c/o now and new works by Berlin-based contemporary artists from many different countries will transform the museum car park into an urban forum. A public theatre is emerging with an exhibition area and space for collective action, performance, debate, video screening and workshops, but also for cooking together and relaxing on a summer’s day.

The full event and workshop program will start in July and will be published here shortly.

You can find a program preview on page 2 of the site plan (download PDF).