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Cancelled: Guided Tour in English

Béla Kádár, Die Kuh, um 1917

Béla Kádár, Die Kuh, um 1917

© VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2022, Foto: bpk / Stiftung Saarländischer Kulturbesitz

Over 60 minutes we offer insights into the exhibition „Magyar Modern. Hungarian Art in Berlin 1910–1933

This exhibition breaks new ground by devoting extensive attention to the Hungarian contribution to modern art in the German capital. Berlin plays a special role in the history of Hungarian art and culture. Even before the First World War, Hungarian artists used the growing metropolis as an exhibition stage to reach an international audience. When reactionary forces put an end to Hungary’s political transformation in 1919, progressive artists in exile found refuge in the cosmopolitan Berlin of the Weimar Republic. They found the space for creative freedom on the banks of the Spree, where they established a significant visibility in various avantgarde contexts. Berlin was a formative influence for many Hungarian artists who, in turn, were a defining force in the art market. Restoring memories of this reciprocal cultural inspiration is the principal aim of this exhibition. It brings together paintings, prints, photographs and architectural drawings, deeply enriching our perception of artistic achievements from East Central Europe.

Current information about guided tours

For your safety and ours, we kindly ask you to observe the code of conduct.

Please note these rules for guided tours:

  • Maximum 20 participants
  • Please register in advance of the tour at the front desk. Unfortunately we cannot accept reservations in advance.

Berlinische Galerie
Alte Jakobstraße 124–128
10969 Berlin

Jugendliche & Erwachsene
In Kooperation mit dem Museumsdienst Berlin